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Monty said in March 2nd, 2010 at 2:29 PM

Got to go by to visit with Boyd today. He is in room 2706 surgical ICU at UNC. He is off limits to go in right now but found out family is with him , We just could not get up with them because they were not in the visiting room. We left word that we were there and will try again tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers and Boyd that the Lord will allow us an opportunity to minister to this family. Thanks God Bless, CFFC Jeff

Monty said in March 2nd, 2010 at 2:32 PM

Jeff called me to say that he did get to see Boyd and he got to pray with his family. They need prayers. Boyd was still unconscious, but looks like he’ll be Ok with no brain injury. Everything else looks like it can be repaired and heal. We know who the great healer is. Props to Jeff and his band of BFC prayer warriors. Thanks for stopping in and putting a face to this ministry of helping downed bikers. God will Bless.

Monty said in March 25th, 2010 at 7:17 PM

Prayer warriors here is an update on Boyd Herring
I got to go up to UNC hospital ICU on Wednesday evening the 24th to visit again with the family of Boyd Herring. His wife Velma and mom Linda are always there and it has been a five week virgil for them.
Boyd had a rough day. He is still on the respirator and pulled out the breathing tube today. He is very tired of being in that bed and has tried to get up and leave, He wants to go home! His injuries are healing for the better but he has had some setbacks about getting off the ventilator. He was off for 4 hours today. The doctors have him restrained to the bed to keep him from hurting himself. Please be in prayer for Boyds Lungs to get stronger so he can get off of the machine and be able to communicate with his family better. Also be in prayer for Velma and Linda as they are trusting
GOD to take care of everything and have been very faithful. They are two wonderful ladies and I am blessed every time I get to talk
and pray with them. God has a plan for this family and is working in their lives ,drawing them closer to “HIM”
Thanks CFFC Jeff BFC-OCC

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