There are 6 bikers now in Mission Hospital, in Asheville, NC, as reported by Tom S.
Chris Economides is in J420
Dan Weidenhammer is in J426
Both of these are Trauma ward ICU
Karen Fish is in A502 – previously reported
Angel Garcia is in A504 – previously reported
These two were riding together and didn’t negotiate hitting a curb.
Donna McSwain is in A505, fractured pelvis, foot and hand
Steve Hugely is in A516, spleen and ribs.
We will report on these individually as we gather more information.
Pray up for each of these individually as they are each a child of God and need his individual love and care. Also, pray we don’t see any more of these victims.
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These reports are from visits of our ministers at Mission with the victims. First reports are from Keith Owens.
Karen Fish, Room A502, will be released tomorrow and will be returning to her home in Crossville, TN with her mother. Karen rides a 750cc Honda Shadow and works at the Crossville Police Department. On June 15, Karen was riding with two other motorcycles (both driven by police officers) near Deal’s Gap when a tractor with a hay wagon pulled out on a blind curve. The lead bike skidded and swerved around the tractor but Karen had to lay her bike down. The other bike was able to stop in time. The police officer who responded to the scene called Roads and Grounds to get all the trees and vegetation that block the driver’s vision on that curve to be cut down immediately. Karen said she doubts she will ever ride again since she already had a bad right shoulder before the accident.
Steve Hugely, Room A516, said that he and his fiancée, Donna McSwain, Room A505, (both from Spartanburg, SC) were taking an exit off of I-26 (he is not sure which one) when their accident happened. He described the exit as one where you had a lane to the right and one to the left with a median in between the lanes. They took the exit in the left lane and put on their signal to get in the right lane but a car passed them on the right so he couldn’t get over. He didn’t see the median until it was too late and flying through the air was the last thing he remembered. Even though Donna had a fractured left foot and surgery yesterday to have the three pieces of her pelvis screwed back together, Steve said she will be released from the hospital in a couple days. Steve is not sure when he is getting out. When we visited Donna she said she may not be getting out as soon as expected because of a pain in her right foot. She had just been x-rayed but the results were not back. Steve said that he was going to leave it up to Donna if they were ever going to ride again.
Angel Garcia, Room A504, (from California) said he was riding our curvy roads with his brother from Florida when his accident happened. He said he knows he should have been paying attention to the road but there is so much to see here that he got distracted. Angel’s family does have ties to our area as his parents own property in Brevard. Angel’s brother returned to Florida because he has to work but his other brother, Ben (I think) is staying with him at the hospital. Angel said he has been fully awake for the last 4 days and he is healing well but it is going to be a long time before he can ride again, if ever.
The following is from another visiting minister, George Pittard.
1. J. Markel – spoke with his mother. J was in X-ray. His mother said that he was eating solid food. The hope and plan is to be able to transfer J to Va hospital asap. Mother gave approval to put J.Markel on BD Prayer List.
2. Steve Huhey – had surgery to remove spleen and broken ribs on right side. He asked to have his name put on BD Prayer List.
3. Donna McSwain – injuries to both hands & arms & ribs & hip.She was riding as passenger with Steve on I-26 when accident occurred. Asked to be put on BD Prayer List.
4. Karen Fish – broken ribs and injuries to right hand and broken bones around left eye. Asked to be included on BD Prayer List. Plans to give testimonial ref God blessing for her surviving accident and healing.
5. Angel Garcia – moved from ICU to Trauma. Completed 4 surgeries. Visited with his mother, Susan & brother,Danny.
Dano Weidenhammer – broken right shoulder & broken ribs on right side.
Steve Petruschak – ICU. Visited with his daughter, Jamie. The family asked that her father to be included on BD Prayer List but not list or show room number or name of hospital.
Chris Economindes – ICU. Visited with his father and son, his son’s wife and grandson. Family asked to put his name on BikerDown Prayer List but not to list his room number or status.
Prayed with each patient and/or family member this afternoon. Each recipient was most appreciative and thankful.
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