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mikehaz said in April 18th, 2013 at 10:04 AM

Praise the Lord! God is soo very good to us! Last night Wednesday April 17 Ben woke up! He told both of my parents and girlfriend he loved them then my Mom called my brother and sister on the phone and he was able to tell them he loved them. Ben also is being able to respond to voice command and raising his fingers to give the peace sign and a thumbs up!!
As of last week the Drs. Had told us they did not have hope that Ben would ever do any of this! What a way for God to show them they were wrong!
My family and myself would like to Thank the Bikers that have visited Ben and all of you for your continued prayers!

Monty said in April 18th, 2013 at 11:16 AM

Ben Lankford’s sister, Hazel called to tell us about her brother in Tampa and how he has woken from his coma and has begun to respond to family members. She says three bikers came to visit and pray over him and she was so very thankful to our ministry, our prayers, the visits and to God for all He has done. She cherishes our continued prayers and in her words – God is Good. So, folks, this is one of those blessings and one of the reasons why we support and work in this ministry. You need anything else? Thanks to those that visited. I don’t know who you are, but I don’t need to. SFFS Monty.

mikehaz said in April 24th, 2013 at 10:59 AM

Ben came out of coma like state almost a week ago and has made steady progress. He had trachial tube taken out yesterday and is eating soft food. He has some memory issues and is frustrated with his physical limitations but has been approved for admittance into the Tampa General Rehabilitation Hospital and will be moved when a room opens up.
Our family is so appreciative of the many prayers we’ve had for Ben. The Doctors from the Trauma ICU came to his room yesterday to witness his miracle and are amazed. We know that prayer and love are the most powerful medicines available to us today. Never give up! Doctors don’t know more than God – they are only tools for God.

mikehaz said in May 11th, 2013 at 9:38 AM

Just wanted to leave an update on Ben. He is doing awesome! They have now moved Ben to the Rehab center behind the hospital. Since being moved there Ben has come leaps and bounds! He has started walking with assistance, is talking, his memory is still slowly coming back but he remembers all of his family and most of his friends. He still has a very long road ahead of him but without God he could never be where he is today! I want to personally Thank the Bikers that took the time out of their own busy lives to go and visit and pray with Ben. I hope that one day He will will get to meet you again to Thank you himself.

mikehaz said in May 30th, 2013 at 4:26 PM

Hello Everyone, Just wanted to update you that because of Gods continuous healing and love Ben has now been released to go home!! He will continue going to therapy daily, but he is doing awesome. He is very depressed because of his limitations, and not having use of his left arm, if any of you that went to visit with him in the hospital have a min to go pray with him I would forever be grateful! Just shoot me a message and I can give you an address. Thank you all so very much, I will continue to keep you all in my prayers!

Hazel email mikehaz4@yahoo.com

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